Springwood Hospital Palliative Care Unit
Client: NSW Department of Health - Nepean Blue Mountains Local Health District
Contract Value: $269,257.46
Program Duration: 15-20 weeks
Ages Build was engaged by the NSW Department of Health to undertake renovations at Springwood Hospital's palliative care unit. The project included expanding the Palliative Care facilities, refurbishing public bathrooms, and constructing an outdoor concrete patio and path
Project Scope:
Demolition: Removal of walls, doors, air conditioning units, and existing staff station.
Palliative Care Expansion: Construction of a new palliative care room with a kitchenette.
Refurbishment: Existing ensuite bathroom and public bathroom.
Flooring: Supply and installation of vinyl flooring in the palliative care room and ensuite.
Construction: Stud walls, electrical rewiring for medical services panel, data, and power.
Brickwork: Remediation as required.
New Installations: Supply and installation of a new staff station area.
Outdoor Area: Supply and installation of concrete patio and path.
Project Execution: All work was meticulously carried out within a live hospital environment, hoarding was erected to minimise construction disturbances for residents and patients.
Project Highlights:
Patient Care: Completed renovations while ensuring minimal disruption to hospital operations and patient care.
Quality: Upgraded facilities to enhance comfort and functionality for palliative care patients and hospital staff.
Timely Delivery: Completed within the specified 15-20 week timeframe, showcasing efficient project management and adherence to schedules.
Ages Build successfully delivered comprehensive renovations at Springwood Hospital, meeting the specific needs of the Palliative Care unit and enhancing overall hospital facilities.